
Spawn a random assortment of plants using the following variables.
Note that this command attempts to place plants given available surfaces in the active sector, but is not always successful due to surface area availability and the shape of the plant generated.
Use of APLANT may require multiple attempts before a success is noticed.

Note also that types 1, 2 and 3 correspond to green, blue and pink, respectively, in increasing order of resource generation.


1 (blue), 2 (pink), or 3 (green). These colors only distinguish how often resources are produced, from least to most frequent. By using higher-valued numbers, the variable defaults to a value of 1.

This represents the color of the flowering elements.

This represents how many blocks the plant will have. Larger plants have a lower probability of successful generation.

Number of plants to place in the play area. A higher count request will merely make more attempts to place a plant, and will not place copies of a specific plant.

Usage Example:
aplant 2 3 65 100