Sentinel – faction 15

All the Sentinel ships

The OP Faction

In the campaign, the Sentinel blocks are the most expensive and take a long time to unlock. They are also extremely powerful. The Nuclear Option has the power to detonate large areas of enemies, especially when used in quantity. Their laser weapons do large amounts of damage instantaneously. And even their armor can destroy whatever it touches. The Sentinel are tough and deadly, especially when optimized by a player.

Once a player has killed 1000P worth of Sentinel ships, the faction will be unlocked and they can start a new game as a Sentinel.


Sentinel blocks are expensive, but well worth unlocking. Their armor costs P, but is the most durable in the game. Essentially, their block shapes are the same as Terran. It’s the modules that makes them different. Sentinel command modules also generate a lot of energy, making lots of generators unnecessary.


The Sentinel have no shields, but do not suffer from lack of durability. Their armor costs P, but is the toughest. If you want to save P, you can use the Hull blocks, which are still pretty tough. They also have a weaker Auxiliary Hull. You would usually use the strong armor unless you’re trying to mix different color blocks for artistic reasons.

Armor Spikes

The long triangle pieces of the tough armor are Armor Spikes. They cost P, but do massive melee damage when they collide with other blocks. Sentinel ships can simple plow through other ships and even asteroids to destroy everything in their path. It is well worth the cost to build your ships out of Armor Spikes.


Plasma Bolt: small point-defense turrets that do splash damage. These are cheap, have good range, and in quantity can be devastating. The only thing they lack is velocity.

Annihilator: A large version of the Plasma Bolt. This is a main-fire weapon with great splash damage for the cost. An excellent gun to use in quantity.


Guass Beam: A fixed laser-weapon that charges. Hits for a lot of damage when at full charge, and small enough to but on smaller ships. Extremely powerful for it’s cost.

Obliterator: A large, expensive charged turret laser. As the name says, it Obliterates ships with a lot of damage. Not only does the Obliterator do a lot of laser damage, it also has an explosion radius at it’s tip. This gives it the ability to blast modules even if they are protected by armor.


Flurry Missiles: Fast-firing missiles to harras enemies. A little expensive for the damage output, but they are the Sentinel’s only long-range weapon outside the Nuclear Option.

The Nuclear Option: The mother of all missiles. This expensive weapon is long range, extremely hard to shoot down, and has a blast radius large enough to kill most ships in one hit. If you have a fleet of ships with Nukes equipped, you’ll have a hard time finding anything that even puts up a fight.

Sentinel Tricks

Melee armor is extremely powerful. You can make ships that have no weapons at all that run into things, or little spinning buzz saw ships that cut enemies to pieces.

You don’t need a lot of blocks to hold resources. The Harvesters are small, cheap, and hold 1000 resources, making them light and compact as well as adding to your tractor range.

Nuke defense: Sentinel has no shields, and can die easily to other Nukes. One defense is to use Flurry Missiles and set them to point-defense. Nukes will detonate when they run into another object, so you can use swarms of missiles to counter other nuke fleets.

Gauss Drones are a weapon that does not appear in the campaign game. You have to go into the Sandbox to find them.

In the Sandbox, type palette 15
You’ll find the Gauss Drones in among the other Sentinel blocks. Build a ship with it, export it, then import it into your campaign. The blueprints will be locked, but you can still build the ships by adding them to your Factory queue.