Plants – faction 5

Plants come in green, pink and blue varieties.

The Plants are the source of most of the resources in the galaxy. This faction is the environmental plant life that seeds, grows, dies, and leaves behind the resource balls that other factions collect.

As a faction, they are completely unplayable and make up the Reassembly campaign environment. Their colors differ by region, but are all pretty much the same and not hostile.

The Plants are not a playable faction.

All the plants
Beta-tester designed plants


The Plants have a collection of simple blocks in a variety of colors. They have some ‘flower’ blocks that can generate R like Solar Panels, and they have Seed blocks to reproduce.

All of their blocks are weak and completely passive. They have no weapons or defenses.


Most of the plants you see are actually procedurally generated. They do not have ship.lua files for their structure.

There is however, a collection of ‘special’ plants that were designed by beta-testers. These can usually be found in areas where there is debris. They will grow and reproduce normally, but have unique appearances.


The Reds’ Nano Beams (healing lasers) can be used to accelerate plant growth.

The Farmers Seed Launchers fire a crop seed. Technically these are faction 5, and grow into their own special plant. It has two stages and will quickly generate more seeds.

Seeds are immune to Sentinel Melee Armor, and are the one thing that can slow them down.

Regions have a limit for how many seeds will reproduce. Once that limit is reached, plants will not longer spawn seeds.