Requires the TURRET feature on either a CANNON or LASER block. The rate at which a turret weapon can turn. If no range is defined, … Read more
Requires the MELEE feature. The multiplier for calculating melee damage. If no value is defined, the default value is 5. Example:meleeDamage=5.0, Data type: float
The block damages non-friendly blocks upon collision. Adjusted via meleeDamage.
Requires the EXPLODE feature. The radius of the explosion. If no value is defined, the default value is 30. Example:explodeRadius=30.0, explodeRadius is also used for … Read more
Needs the EXPLODE feature. The damage done to the explodeRadius. If no value is defined, the default value is 51. Example:explodeDamage=51.0, Data type: float
The secondary color of the block. The game shader will slowly shift the block color from fillColor to fillColor1 as a visual effect. Example:fillColor1=0xc57f4c, Colors … Read more
Determines if the block will increase R storage of the ship. Example:capacity=100.0, Data type: float
How quickly the block builds/rebuilds. If no growRate is defined, the default value is 3.3. Example:growRate=3.3, Data type: float
How many hit points a block has. Calculated via the area of the shape.If not value is listed, the default will be 1. Example:durability=1.0, Data … Read more
The description of the block that appears in-game. Example:blurb=”Super massive weapon of destruction.”, Make sure your description is in quotes. Data type: string