A block with TELEPORTER allows the ship to teleport from place to place. Uses energy via the teleporterPower attribute. teleporterRadius can be used to limit … Read more


Requires TORQUER Applies rotational force to a block.If no value is defined, 10,000 will be the default. Example:torquerTorque=10000.0, Data type: float


TORQUER is like THRUSTER, but rotates an object rather than pushing it forward. If no value is defined, the default will be 10000. TORQUER does … Read more


Requires THRUSTER Operates with thrusterBoost to determine how long boost is generated. The default value is 0.2. Example:thrusterBoostTime=0.2, thrusterBoostTime can also be a negative number, … Read more


Requires THRUSTER An optional value for a thruster that determines initial boost when a thruster is activated. The default value is 2, which equates to … Read more


The color of the jet emmited by the thruster. The color gradiates from thrusterColor to thrusterColor1 and reduces opacity at the tail end of the … Read more


Requires THRUSTER The amount of force the thruster generates when activated. If no value is defined, the default will be 10000. Example:thrusterForce=10000.0, Data type: float


THRUSTER defines that the block will be used to generate thrust for mobility. THRUSTER assumes that the block shape has THRUSTER ports. Using the THRUSTER … Read more


The color the SHIELD flashes when hit. Shield colors need an extra two digits for alpha. Example:lineColor=0xc1c292f, ‘c1’ is the alpha code. ‘c292f’ is the … Read more


Requires SHIELD The delay before a shield comes back up. If no value is defined, the default value will be 3. Example:delay=3.0, Data type: float


An attribute of SHIELD The area the shield covers. The default value is 40. Example:radius=40.0, If the radius is a negative value, the shield will … Read more


An attribute of SHIELD How much damage a shield can protect against before it goes down. The default value is 100. Example:strength=100.0, Shield health regenerates … Read more


SHIELD defines that the block will protect with a shield. Shields protect against a set amount of damage, then have to regenerate using energy. Shields … Read more


Requires PHOTOSYNTH The amount of R the block generates over time. If no value is defined, the default will be 1. Example:photosynthPerSec=1.0, Data type: float


PHOTOSYNTH defines that the block will generate R over time. Resource generation is based on photosynthPerSec. If no photosynthPerSec value is used, the default generation … Read more


Requires GENERATOR Increases the maximum energy capacity of the ship by this much. Example:powerCapacity=300.0, Data type: float


GENERATOR defines that the block will generate energy for the ship. Energy generation is defined by powerCapacity and generatorCapacityPerSec. A down-side to generating power is … Read more


Requires TRACTOR The distance at which a block will collect R. If no range is defined, the default will be 400. Example:tractorRange=400.0, Data type: float