Saves and Files

There are several different locations for files to get saved. Exported Ships Ships and Fleets you export will end up on your desktop by default. … Read more

Neutron Star


Fields are an added feature of the Fields Expansion. They add Gravity Wells and Slow Zones to galaxies. Gravity Wells A Gravity Well is a … Read more



In the campaign game, a wormhole is a big swirly object that allows the player to travel to a fresh galaxy. When a player enters … Read more



Agents are indicated on the map as a red arrow. When a player first starts, those arrows will remain stationary. However, after a little while … Read more

Commanding Allies

Once you get a Factory equipped, you can start making friendly fodder to follow you around. Making Allies With your Factory equipped, hit F to … Read more

The Constructor

The Constructor is where players build and edit ships. It is accessed from the Fleet Inventory. On the right-side are your available blocks. To make … Read more

Galaxy Map

Hit the M button to see the Map. The galaxy is generally circular in shape with faction territories displayed by color.Arrows identify Agents. (click on … Read more

Points – P

P or Points determines how many modules you can equip on your ship.P must be unlocked using C (Credits). P also defines how much an … Read more

resourse blob

Resources – R

R is short for Resources.In the campaign game, R is displayed as purplish bubbles that both players and enemies will pickup and use to build … Read more

Getting Started

When you start a new game, you’ll spawn into the galaxy at a random location. Start by moving your ship around using the AWDS keys … Read more