
Arthur’s Log Parser (for troubleshooting)

NMSS Log Parser (for getting tournament results)

Reassembly Web Development Kit (RWDK)

Notepad++ popular text editor for editing files.

Hex Color Picker

See how faction colors will overlay your block colors

Shape Tools

Shape Helper

Another Shape Helper – Desmos calculator

GeoGebra – yet another thing for visualizing shapes

Shape Repository – has some shape.lua files that other people have made.

Workshop and Modding Links

Steam Workshop

Steam Mod Downloader if you want to use mods from the workshop outside of Steam, this site worked the last time I tried it. Make sure the URL you enter is https://, not http://

Author’s Mod Notes

Modding Tutorial by Lapapsnow (mostly using RWDK)

A Pre-Formatted blocks.lua file for easier reading

A Commented blocks.lua file with instructions to help beginners.

Advanced Play for Tournaments

Stacking Tutorial by MonsPubis

Armor and Shields Explanation by MonsPubis